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45 Minute Session     $65


This highly relaxing, detoxifying treatment supports your body's natural lymphatic drainage, enhancing blood flow and circulation. This helps alleviate aches and pains, diminishes fluid retention and swelling, and strengthens your immune system.

*For sanitary purposes, please make sure to wear socks, long pants, and a long sleeve shirt, and come extra hydrated for the Pressotherapy session.


PressoTherapy is a detoxifying treatment that assists your body's natural lymphatic drainage, thereby potentially slimming the look of the arms and legs (because they carry less fluid), easing aches and pains, and detoxifying the body. It uses an air pressure machine to inflate a suit that squeezes your arms, legs, and abdomen in a rhythmic motion, similar to a massage.

Pressotherapy is used to:


  • Alleviate edema or swelling of the extremities 

  • Assist in kidney function 

  • Assist in healthy heart function 

  • Assist in premenstrual edema 

  • Improve poor skin tone and reduce bags under the eyes

  • Improve loss of muscle tone in immobilized patients

  • Aids in muscle recovery

Contraindications of Pressotherapy:


Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Acute infection of the affected limb

Any instance where increase venous and lymphatic return is undesirable

Presence of any severe pain or numbness

Cardiac Heart Failure (CHF)

Other treatment benefits include:


  • Immediate relief and comfort for heavy legs

  • Improves poor circulation

  • Helps Body shape and Contouring

  • Pre and post liposuction treatment

  • Reduces localized lipolytic edema (fatty deposits)

  • Relieves leg pain and swelling

  • Helps prevent stagnation of blood flow in veins/capillaries

  • Helps prevent deep vein thrombosis

  • Improves blood flow and oxygenation

  • Enhances athletic performance

*For best results, it is recommended that clients receive a series of treatments (8-15), depending on the client's goals. Weekly treatments are recommended to achieve optimal visible results.

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